Thursday, June 9, 2016

Teaching on Spirits: Day 9

What is a spirit?

In the Bible it talks about a variety of spirits...

1) Spirit of God (Genesis 1:2) [See: Holy Spirit]
2) spirits which torment or cause other manifestations / oppression... (1 Samuel 16:23) [Notice it is an EVIL spirit here, which suggests good ones as well]
3) demons (Luke 8:27)

The word demon (daimonia / daemon / daimon) has an interesting history in the computing industry...

A daemon is a program which runs in the background unknown to the user. It comes from the same root word used for demons (spirits) in the bible.

Another word for spirit is ruach, meaning breath or wind. The funny thing about breath and wind is you don't see it typically, unless there's something else added to the mix (e.g. Cold air, rustling leaves, etc.)

We know that we are spirit-beings...a lot of things happen behind the scenes that we can't see.

The Bible says that which we can SEE is temporal, but that which we cannot see is ETERNAL...former things will pass away.

What you see is what you get, until what's really there comes full form. (2 Cor. 4:18)

1. Genesis 1:2

2. 1 Samuel 16:23

3. Greek- daimonia (1140)

4. Hebrew- ruach (7307)

5. What is a demon?

6. 2 Corinthians 4:18

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