Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Teaching on Spirits: Day 8

What are we made of?

I know it might seem silly or rudimentary but when it comes to spiritual matters, especially warfare it's important to know what we're made up of. This notion may sound familiar from anyone paying attention to my posts about a year ago during the month of April / May-ish. I said a lot about how we are "3 part beings". It's true...

We're made up of body, soul and spirit. Good things seem to come in threes: mind, will, emotions....there's a number of ways of looking at it.

Think about this. According to the Genesis story before Adam & Eve ate of the fruit they were spirit-led even though they had bodies (flesh). Their spirit was such that they could interact with the Spirit of God. After eating the "fruit", their eyes were opened. Which eyes? Eyes of the flesh...before then there was no need to know right from wrong as everything was perfect.

What's this got to do with demons? Well, for one, part of our struggle is overcoming our flesh, the knowledge that we've gained which puts us in the middle of this "cosmic battle" between good and evil. It also gives us an idea of how we become influenced / infected.

If we are made of body, soul (mind, will, emotions), and spirit, but were originally living from a standpoint of spirit, body, and soul (or soul and then body), the changed order suggests that there are spiritual consequences (like sin entering in to the human race).

Body- interacts with the world around us.
Soul- internal responses to what goes on around us
Spirit- communicates with God as well as others in the spiritual realm

How / what are your parts doing today? ‪#‎tripartite‬

1) Spirit. Soul. Body.

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