Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Teaching on Spirits: Day 7

Can / how do we know we're infected?

SN: I use sick / infected / influenced because there's a grave misunderstanding of what it means to be "demon possessed", but we will touch on that as well.

Answer: Yes.

But how?

As people (but especially as Christians) we should aim to grow in all, but specifically 1 fruit of the Spirit if we're to know when something is "off" with us. That fruit is self-control. Why? Let's think about it.

To have self-control is to literally be a master over yourself (mind, will, emotions, body, spirit, etc.)

When we have gained greater self-control we instantly know when something isn't right. Another good key indicator is when others who are close to you and know you (the real you, or as much of the real you, you've shown them) suggest that something may be wrong. This doesn't mean you believe everything someone tells you, but if you trust them at least take it into consideration (even if you don't still consider it...long enough to know if it's true or not).

1. Have you been more emotional / angry lately than usual? Why do you think that is?
2. Has your focus suddenly shifted or not been as strong as it needs to be or tends to be?
3. Do you feel like you're slowly losing a "handle" on things that were so easily taken care of before?
4. Are bad habits beginning to form / return or having a stronger hold on you after you've defeated them and been in a season of victory?

The list goes on....

The key is to understand what normal is for you, where you're trying to be from a growth standpoint, and continuing to progress. We all should at least by a certain stage in adulthood know if we're progressing in life or not. This is moreso important when it comes to spiritual growth.

(My personal timeline is every 2-3 years; it's a cycle...you're always growing whether it be greater or lesser...)

If you have self-control you know what's generally "in the spirit" of who you are as an individual. You also know what isn't.

This video below touches on this in more detail...

Also, just so you know, if you have the Holy Spirit you should be able to tell if there are other spirits encroaching on His territory...I know of people who have had / have other spirits (demons) and have said, "It feels like I have a demon inside me..."

Think of it this way: If something foreign was introduced to your body (i.e. Inside of it) would you know it didn't belong there? What is more, if it's been there for some time (years let's say), how do you know it doesn't belong? Many of us had things happen in childhood and that introduced something, and know we assume it's who we are.

There must be a way to test and see that which should be and that which shouldn't.

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