Friday, June 10, 2016

Teaching on Spirits: Day 10

Where do spirits come from?

On yesterday we discussed what spirits are, but where do they come from? On a very high level they come from God, because all things seen and unseen find their point of origin in God some kind of way, exactly how is another story (or more detailed study).

Now, where do demons (i.e. evil spirits) come from? First, we must recognize that all God created was perfect (good) at first until things changed...anything that God creates (which is a gift in and of itself) is whole without blemish unless / until some event changes that.

[See: Gen. 1:31, Ephesians 3:9, James 1:17]

Even the devil is a created being, who DECIDED to challenge God's "position" as God, thus beginning a downward spiral into becoming a lesser, evil created-being. [See: Resource #1]

In most cases when an evil spirit is mentioned, especially in the Old Testament it states that God sent / made / called / asked...we must understand that often times this "sent" means the allowing of, similar to all the calamity that came upon Job. [See: Job 1]

This also means that by the way we live we invite certain things to happen to us.

1) If God Knew

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