Saturday, June 11, 2016

Teaching on Spirits: Day 11

Are there categories / types of spirits?

Answer: Yes.

We've already discussed that there are (very high-level approach) good and bad spirits. Godly, ungodly, and human spirits (a little deeper); however, did you know that there are categories?

Think of it this way: Birds of a feather flock together....generally certain types of spirits fall into various categories because they tend to "attract" one another; hang around each other. Sounds like a group of teenagers up to no good don't it? And there's always that one or few who are followers because they're not able to lead...or they don't see the worth the have (if any in a demon's case)...hierarchies are for a later date (tomorrow tentatively).

This may be what was meant when it says to "keep yourself clean and sin no more or something worse may come upon you" (See: John 5:10-15, Luke 11:14-26).

[That's not a direct quote but a paraphrased adaptation. Read for the context.]

Here are some categories / types:
Lust. Greed. Blasphemy. Rebellion. Rejection. Wounded spirit.
Fear. Pride. Sexual perversion. Control. Divination / witchcraft.
AntiChrist. Lieing (Lying). Heaviness. Bitterness. Rage.


And so on...

Some of these may also be considered categories, as well as some might belong to multiple categories depending on the case-by-case basis. One person's lust may be a result of an early childhood trauma (lust isn't purely sexual...remember it's a strong desire), whereas another might be a result of an unhealed wound from a past relationship (lust for attention...approval...acceptance).

Be mindful there are no cut and dry ways of putting demons into categories, but there are some agreed upon's not the category that matters but the oppression that comes as a result of the demon and what's needed to cast it out. Here the intent is to give you a 'flavor' of what's out there.

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