Is there a command and control (i.e. power) structure among demons?
Answer: Yes.
Just as in the military there is an organizational structure, such is true for the heavenlies. We know that God Almighty is at the top "of the chain" if you will, and everything / everyone else falls under Him. In addition, there are separate chains-of-command, such as Archangels, Angels (and their specific type and function, whether as messengers, musicals,or guardian angels), etc.
This is true for the kingdom of Darkness as well, and at the top of this internal "food chain" is our adversary Satan. There's almost a mirroring of the chain of command setup in the kingdom of Light. For example, remember Daniel was prevented from receiving a message because there was a "prince" (i.e. A ruler / principality) preventing an angel from delivering the message, so an archangel (i.e. a commanding angel) had to intervene to help his fellow soldier out [See: Daniel 10:1-14].
There are also some spirits which are stronger (strongmen) than others, which is why it would take more than just prayer or power from on high, but also prayer & fasting. These in a combination with other spiritual disciplines increase our capacity, faith, and courage regarding spiritual events [See: Luke 11:21-22, Mark 3:20-27, Mark 9:14-29].
With all that said keep these things in mind:
Demons- Explanation on Day9
Angels- Called to do the work of God; known as "ministering spirits" [Hebrews 1:14]
Fallen Angels- Those who fell in the rebellion against God [2 Peter 2:4]
My personal experience: I've spoken to an Angel (1), many demons, and a couple fallen angels. Therefore although there is some confusion, the three are distinct from one another.
1. Christian Angelic Hierarchy (actual sources are listed at the bottom)
2. Overcoming the Strongman
3. Demon vs. Fallen Angel
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