Monday, November 7, 2011

No, I'm Sorry...

Where all my dreamers at???

It's not a bad thing at all to have ambitions...aspirations...goals.

Think on this for a second. What if you could do anything you wanted to...anything that you'd actually take the time to put your mind to and succeed at?! How about if in some way with this crazy mixture of things you spoke it into existence and then there it was: "I will be Mayor of Jacksonville". Pretty cool, huh?

Let's say that in a parallel universe things operated this way with ONE condition. That condition might be to not do wrong by someone else. Never cheat on your taxes. Always be honest and forthright...etc.

I imagine that'd be tough to do depending on the condition. How hard could it be though?

It's only obedience.

Don't do "this bad thing" and you're good.

But what happens when you do the unthinkable, that which you're not supposed to...then what?

Father God, thank you for the desires within our hearts that you have given. Aspirations, ambitions, advancements...may we seek these so that they might be used for your glory. Even when we don't know what that looks like, help us to remember that "all things come of thee O Lord and of thine own have we given thee". We can only give back to you that which you provide us with. Apart from you we are nothing. Keep us humble. Increase our hunger. Show us what we shouldn't do lest we lose grasp of the promises that are so anxiously awaiting us day-after-day. May we do right by you as we walk out our destiny, understanding that you give to whom you choose, setting the lowliest of men over all. With this just as you did with your son Jesus, we acknowledge that you giveth and you  [also] taketh away. Amen.

You've been anointed to do something amazing without even knowing why or how. Out of nowhere you're chosen to lead a group of people. What an awesome opportunity, but you're just a nobody. You come from a group of people who really are "less than special". There's no notoriety, glitz, or glam. You just are...

Now imagine holding that acclaimed position only to one day make a mistake and be told that your time will come to an end; wasn't originally a part of the plan. You might hear, "sucks for you", "sounds like a personal problem", or to make it culturally relevant how about saying to yourself "f-my-life" [Why someone would literally curse their very existence at the expense of irony is beyond me...]

Well, believe it or not just like many other stories that seem to never get old there is someone who fits this description. His name is Saul and he was a King.

Watch how quickly one can be at the bottom and rise to the top, only to bring themselves down again because of leaning on their own understanding.

Quick and dirty:

  • Saul was looking for his donkeys [1 Samuel 9:15-16]
  • Samuel anointed him [1 Samuel 10:1] and then Saul TRIED to hide [1 Samuel 10:20-22]
    • Lord's will prevails [Proverbs 19:21]
  • Saul messed up...more like screwed up, really really bad
Saul was told to wait on Samuel because he was the only one who was eligible to perform priestly actions before battle [1 Samuel 13:9-14]. Saul took matters into his own hands. As soon as he did Samuel shows up (or shortly thereafter). Saul is told, "Your kingdom just got cut short." Saul begs for forgiveness and eventually Samuel agrees to worship with him in an "act of repentance" . This was the first mistake [performing priestly actions].

In 1 Samuel 15 we find Saul with his hard-headed self making yet another decision to seal his fate regarding the kingdom that's to be taken from him. Saul was told to destroy all of the Amalekites AND their possessions (mistakes 2 and 3). What did he do? He destroyed them all...except...for...King Agag. First off, these are your enemies. Your enemies because they are the LORD's (enemies) and you have the audacity to say, "I'll just capture him and rid myself of the poor (quality)"?!

This man fell, and it was a far fall from the top seeing how far he had come from being at the bottom previously.
"But I’m only from the tribe of Benjamin, the smallest tribe in Israel, and my family is the least important of all the families of that tribe! Why are you talking like this to me?" -Saul (1 Samuel 9:21)
What happens when you mess up due to disobedience in a position that was given to you? Sometimes you end up like Saul being removed from your position and literally "stripped" of your anointing. Depending on when the stripping occurs you may not ever get to the place you were destined for. This is why it is so critical to always be on guard #stayTuned

The quick skinny:
  • Everything you do matters, especially the "little stuff".
  • Obedience really is better than sacrifice.
  • I was warned about "derailing my destiny".
    • Are you derailing yours?

What does this mean for me? #theReader 
You were made for something. Whether it's to be a follower or a leader you have a specific purpose to serve. Don't miss out on getting yours because you were to busy "getting it in" (i.e. Wasting time on things which don't deserve the attention).

For further insight: Read-The Last Straw

This is F.U.N. (For Ur Needs)  Use your KEYS
  • Know that as quickly as it was given to you, it'll be taken away in less than 1/4 the time
  • Expect to be tempted to do that which you shouldn't
  • Your destiny is directly tied to your obedience; do what you're supposed to
  • Stay focused

  • Chew-Eat the bread.
  • Digest-Meditate on the bread.
  • Fuel-Apply the bread.