Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Best O is a Good D...

Who doesn't love sports?!

I mean, really...there's so much that comes with the games. There are rules, penalties, points, and sometimes physical punishment. The players have to have some sense of athleticism or a good IQ concerning the fundamentals. Generally this is a time where we as fans get excited and vicariously live through the athletes of our favorite team as they display how to play with a level of commitment, dexterity, and finesse.

There are many mantras 'preached' concerning the philosophy of how to come out on top. Whether you have a group of average joes or one to two all-stars it seems that "where there's a will, there's a way" might be a fitting slogan. As we have witnessed with past basketball tourneys, there are Cinderellas who do make it to the big dance (and succeed).

In most sports it comes down to two sides of the playing field: offense vs. defense. Some believe that "offense wins games, defense wins championships". Life is no different. It takes practice, skill, and dedication to move beyond where you are to get to where you need or want to be.

The question today is whether you need to be more skilled in offense or defense to be successful in life. I'd argue that it's the latter.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 (NLT)
9 Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. 10 If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. 11 Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? 12 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

If there's anything I'd preach about as a sports fanatic it's DEFENSE!

On Another Note: The NBA needs to stop playing games and get this lockout decided ASAP...

Now...back to our scheduled program.

Why is defense so important in these sporting events and particularly the game of life?

En garde. PrĂȘt. Allez. [On Guard. Ready. Go.]

Sometimes life really does come at you fast and if you're not prepared it's going to catch you by surprise. The first step is to be prepared. In fencing this means that you are in your "en garde" stance or position.

Before you're even able to be "on guard" and ready to go you must first make sure that you're equipped with the proper armor for battle. In most sports this is done using some type of protective equipment. Generally the more contact intensive the sport the more equipment that is used, although there is a level of bravado tied to using less equipment.

From a warrior's standpoint you would want to be equipped with proper armor. Biblically speaking there is armor which is HIGHLY suggested that Christians wear in order to be properly suited to be en garde. This is referred to as the whole armor of God.

Armor of God (Ephesians 6:12-17):

  • Belt (Truth)
  • Breastplate (Righteousness)
  • Shoes (Gospel of Peace)
  • Shield (Faith)
  • Helmet (Salvation)
  • Sword (Spirit/Word of God)

These items are no different than protective padding in football (regardless of whether it's football or football de Americano). You have to have some protection. Even in basketball it's suggested that you have a mouthpiece and varying by individual you may need protective eyewear.

Now that you have your armor and are prepared to be on guard you're missing one thing; a buddy!

One thing that I've noticed about women (and I've done a lot of observations) is that they tend to use the buddy system in most cases and for obvious reasons. This is no different than what we must do in life, work, etc. Never go at anything alone; recipe for danger and disaster (unless it's necessary and make sure that it is).

Based on our verse of reflection today it's always better to have at least one other person. When you're falling someone can catch you. If you have to fight someone will have your back. Notice in the armor of God there is no protection for your back. This is where you are most vulnerable, but there's a solution for that: Have someone WATCH YOUR BACK!

I remember when I was growing up there was a saying, "I got your back." So many people have forgotten how important that is especially in this day and age.

Why would I say that defense is more important than offense? It's simple can go on an offensive rampage all you want, but with no protection you are more vulnerable than someone with a mediocre offensive repertoire and significantly better defense. It only takes one good punch to knock a boxer down, that's why they keep their hands up #defense [RIP Joe Frazier].

Defense also CREATES offensive opportunities.

Sumthn2Ponder (s2p):
  • Do you have more of an offensive or defensive mindset?
  • How many people really have your back (i.e. You can call on them for anything)?
  • Life is a sport. Which parts of your armor are missing or need an upgrade?

In Case You Need It: