Monday, November 14, 2011

Try Planking on the Cross #sinsational

I wonder what's trendin' now...

For those who may be a little less tech savvy, "trending" is a way of categorizing what people are currently interested in on the Internet. Most of the information used to determine what's trending is done based off of search engine results, social networking "conversations" and the like. For example, when Michael Jackson "died" he became a trending topic quickly as most of the world was feverishly trying to find information about what had happened to the King of Pop.

Trends are exactly what they were decades ago. The latest fad or way to lose weight. How about those fancy rubber bands that help you keep your balance? As a people we are satisfied by the sense of sensationalism which accompanies the next "big thing". Outside of everyone wanting to be the next Internet video superstar we all seem to want and crave attention from being a part of what's currently hot. It's almost as if we are all Tickle-Me Elmo dolls yearning to have our senses tingle from excitement.

Have you heard about Tebowing?

Apparently it's kewl (cool) to kneel and pray; just because.

This is something that seems to be natural to Tim's character. A couple of guys took pictures of themselves "kneeling and praying" and before you know it "Tebowing" was born.

Here's another trend that should get old really quickly...they call it "occupying".

I understand the concept behind it, but I'm sure most of these people need to be doing more important things with their time like working. Aren't we always complaining that there aren't enough jobs, yet we take time out to picket and protest while there are STILL people who are unemployed. By not working I don't see how this contributes to our economy...but what do I know. I'm a technology major. 

I also feel that there should be more effective ways of getting things done. Picketing and protesting is so....60s. What is that...5, 6 decades ago?

There was a fad that came and went fairly quickly (I think this Summer) called planking. You'd find somewhere that was "unusual" or "awkward" and lay flat on your face while posing and then upload it so all of your friends could see. Another name for this is the "lying down game". It serves no purpose other than to see who can "plank" in the best scenario.

During my time online I came across a number of instances where the plank was a good one; however, I began to wonder what would be the ultimate #plank....[I also read an article that someone died because they decided to plank on a building or something to that effect.]

Why didn't anyone try planking on the Cross?

It truly is SINsational....

1 John 2:15-17 (NLT)
15 Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. 16 For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world. 17 And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever.