Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Teaching on Spirits: Day 28

Armor of God pt 5

Helmet of Salvation.

Personally, I put my Helmet on before I grab my shield, but I suppose without the faith, what good would your salvation be?


"Heads up!"

Ever be somewhere and someone yells for you to watch out because your cranium is in the line of fire???

It's the same thang here...(that's intentional)

"16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation" (Ephesians 6:16-17a)

Leadership is so important in any organization because the head has the ability to see and give instruction to the rest of the body. This is why Christ is known as the "head of the church".

In order to protect your body you must take care of your head. This includes our thought life, what we see and hear. Sometimes we're not as vigilant in these areas and wonder why we do and say some of the things we do. We also must work to keep our helmet on and keep it tight (think strapping up before riding a bicycle when you were little..or your kids were little...or when they'll first ride a bike; must be secure, likewise our salvation should also be secure / assured and we must believe such).

"The assurance of salvation is our impenetrable defense against anything the enemy throws at us." (Gotquestions)

1) Helmet of Salvation
2) Take the Helmet
3) Put on the Helmet

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