Steps for deliverance.
What are the steps for deliverance???
First off let's start with something simple that is often overlooked: Forgiveness. In order to be set free you have to be forgiven. God won't forgive you if you don't forgive others; He'll only forgive you to the degree that you forgive others (See: Matthew 6:14-15)
So many of us are still holding on to past hurts. Now, just because you forgive someone doesn't mean you have to forget what happened or immediately trust them again. Forgiveness frees the wounded / victim not the transgressor / trespasser (although it may).
What else is required? Honesty. Being truthful with yourself, God, and those you may be working with for freedom (e.g. Ministers, Counselors, etc).
Typically the first two sessions I have with folks involves getting a better idea of their history: Background, Childhood, Relationships, Desires, Personality, etc. The more that is divulged the better I'm able to understand. The old thought is true, if you give someone an opportunity to talk about themselves they'll do so. People LOVE to talk about themselves. There are rare exceptions to this.
If we've been / had relationships with anyone whether emotional, spiritual, physical, etc we must also pray that God free us from any bondage or inappropriate tie between ourselves and them. (This includes PARENTS!; dead or alive) Just as every relationship you give a piece of yourself...every interaction you give a piece of yourself.
We must also repent of past sins we may not have confessed. In a prayer someone prayed in our last session there was something mentioned that had NEVER been shared during the counseling session. I could've felt some type of way, but if you're willing to hold on to a secret, you're willing to continue to deal with the shame and all else that comes with it.
Another good one: Obedience. It's frustrating to work with people and you show them the plain truth but because they rather hold on or the devil has deceived them, they can't / won't / are unable to follow through what's being prescribed. Part of the reason we go to a Doctor is because they KNOW and UNDERSTAND certain things that we may not, therefore it is WISE to follow the Rx.
Discernment plays a key role in this. If you know that they are spiritual and have been leading you in the right direction it's best to be forthright and say how you think / feel, but don't just not do something because you don't believe what's being shown is wrong with you.
And understand this...for those who are in ministry, there's a process that we have to go through and in many cases it is experiencing what it is that we will deliver folks from, coming to an understanding of the messages we'll give, spending time with God to know what and how to do the ministry we're called to.
I always say: You get out what you put in.
The same is true in freedom....
"...if only they knew they were slaves..."
1) Next Level Stuff
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