Look at all of the media available and how more and more of it seems to involve that which is 'dark': vampires, witches, zombies, etc. Why is that?
Have you noticed that certain agendas and modes of thinking are more prevalent in our television programming today than in times past...especially in the shows which have a very high viewership?
Most of us watch them...
Today's question: Who can be infected / influenced?
Answer: Everyone and anyone.

What kinds of people have I seen infected / influenced?
Let's start with the easy ones: Myself. Strangers. Individuals I've dated / courted / pursued.
A little tougher to swallow: Coworkers, associates, friends, and family.
Maybe the hardest of all: Ministers, Pastors and the like.
You see, no one person is immune from demonic influence whether from outside of their body or inside. Even Jesus had to deal with negative spirits and since he was 'wrapped in flesh' there was the possibility that he could have been influenced from the inside. This is why they thought he was driving out demons by the power of a demon (John 8:42-51).
The difference between Jesus and most of us:
1)His obedience...
2)See #1.
This mixed with the Holy Spirit helped him not only to cast out but to stay free from influence within, though he was not free from influence without (from the outside).
Et tu, Judas?
(But he already knew that...)
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