Daemons...programs that run in the background.
Demons...unembodied personalities.
Why a teaching on demons?
When's the last time you heard from the pulpit or in a bible study the realities of the spiritual world we live in? Who is teaching on the reason for spiritual warfare? How prepared is your pastor or favorite minister to help you comprehend that some opposition / occurrences in your life is due to demonic influence? Some of it based on our decisions. Others due to decisions of those around us.

This teaching seeks to accomplish 4 objectives:
1) Grow us in maturity / wisdom (especially in Christ)
2) Emphasize the necessity of spiritual preparation / protection
3) Dispel / reveal / expose myths, false teaching, and error
4) Force us to embrace the fullness of the Holy Bible in its entirety
We know part of Christ's ministry (as vast as it is) included dealing with the demonic.
This means it's nothing to fear...(possibly respected)
We'll address questions like:
1) Can a Christian have a demon?
2) Where do demons come from?
3) Why care about demons? Life is good!
4) And many more...
Feel free to submit questions, comments, etc.
This teaching is a dish, at a potluck, and you can partake if you choose to. If nothing else, you'll be more informed than you were before.
Tis good eatin' ova here.
Grace and Peace,
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