Thursday, May 14, 2015

When the (d)evil Laughs

"You're laughin' but I'm serious..."

Ya know, I don't even watch the news anymore. I know what the headlines can't surprise me with another death, shooting, good cop gone bad; right person turned wrong.

In the depths of my heart I sigh. The ways of this world I've grown so accustomed to that it doesn't bother me to see Monroeville Mall has had yet another shooting. I suppose people either get tired of it, used to it, or both. Atrocity becomes the norm; desensitized to lives bound together by pain...struggle...turmoil.

I've been in conversations with certain individuals where they say, and I quote, "I like what ______ has done." Some examples include the Arab Spring, "My" Generation, and the "Black Church". What's important to note is I later came to understand that these individuals I was speaking with, whether they identified as Christians or not, were in fact influenced by some type of evil. It doesn't take too long to put two and 2 together. It makes 6 #youMayGetItLater

Isaiah 59:15b-16a (MSG) #verseOfReflection
God looked and saw evil looming on the horizon—
so much evil and no sign of Justice.
He couldn’t believe what he saw:
not a soul around to correct this awful situation.

It was January 21, 2014 and I was a guest on BOJRadio hosted by my friend and colleague Juggy. It just so happened that on this particular day there was another guest invited to participate in the dialogue, one whom I had not met before but was glad to meet their acquaintance. As the conversation progressed and we talked about "the struggle" I made a comment:
If MLK was here today...(with all that's going on)... it would break his heart.
Immediately and without fail the other guest laughed and I looked at them while they "wore" a devilish grin. Without losing a beat I said...
You're laughin' but I'm serious...

At that moment I didn't realize what had occurred. In fact it wasn't until later in my reflections that I came to understand, he who had laughed was at that point embodying the Adversary himself (i.e. HaSatan or Satan).

Think about it. Why would someone laugh in response to a comment like the one I made? How often do we have conversations about, "If Martin were here..."!? Would ANYONE appreciate that type of response (if they're of sound mind)?!

Unfortunately the "tale of the tape" has expired as we're unable to obtain convenient.

SN: Understand that embodiment doesn't mean equality. So, just because someone embodies evil, doesn't make the person the actual evil, but yet something inside them causes that evil to manifest.

Later on in my journey I made a trip to a certain region hoping to revisit those who had played an important role in my development. The Lord prompted me not to go (by way of the Spirit) and me being me (and potentially still slightly influenced myself) I didn't listen (this is where the CORE series picks up at). In a conversation with a "new friend" I visited, while that way, the same script was used, "I like what your generation has done (regarding homosexuality)". There was eventually a mention of "the struggle" again and even when this person signed a book over to me, they noted that I was a fellow "struggler". Have you caught on yet? Would it not make sense for the devil to show himself on a broadcast involving struggle since he himself opposes humanity as we are the creation of God! I am tempted to say where I believe the devil "resides", but it's not against flesh and blood which we fight.

"I think we emphasis sin so much
That it makes us paralyzed
And glorify struggle so much
That it makes us terrified..."
-Flame  #identityCrisis #imagoDei

I'm not even sure if the other me understands fully the magnitude of what these words which he has penned mean. Then again we only know in part.

The story goes to say that the police officer who shot and killed an innocent man in South Carolina can be heard laughing on the audio footage. I haven't checked it out myself, but I'll ask a stupid question: What would cause someone to laugh before/after someone has died in innocent blood?

So many of us are running around talking about justice, or just us, when we don't even know where to start in seeking the Just One; He who rules and reigns and told you that these things would happen, yet we have not listened and remain blind.

I'll end with this: If the devil had left me alone I wouldn't have to bring it to his front door step as when David ran toward Goliath, but eventually you get sick and tired of being SICK and tired...

Sumthn2Ponder (s2p):
  • What do I (really) think about everything that is going on?
  • Does this concern more than race?
  • Is spiritual warfare real?
Links for Consideration(L4C):
In case you need it

Make War (Tedashii ft. Flame) Lyrics

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