Let's set the world on fire... #burnItDown
Proverbs 11:14 (AMP) #verseOfReflection
Where no wise guidance is, the people fall,
but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.
Today is the National Day of Prayer. Prayerfully, God hears our cry...here's a question though: Is it the lack of prayers or lack of leadership that have driven us to this point?
SN2: That was a long SN.
The Gravity of the situation is that we are at a point in our history as a race, where we are spiritually thirsting for leaders who would actually lead. In this entry I'll be speaking somewhat to the distinct demographic of the "black community", although the application is for all. Just as in the body of Christ "when one suffers we all suffer", so it is as members of the human family, no matter the ethnic makeup.
We've lost a lot of leaders recently, especially in the black community. Here's a list of a few good men and women that have gone on to greener pastures in the last 2 decades (90's, 00's 10's):
I had a hard time trying to find a list of people and we know this is well short of all who have made an impact, not just on blacks but humanity as a whole. Undoubtedly one name will forever ring from the annals of history as one of the greatest leaders of all time...
noticed that they always call him Dr. Martin Luther (the Kang) #barbershop. What happened to the Rev.? We even make sure...
Posted by Marcus Smith on Thursday, January 19, 2012
One thing I'd like to point out is that as a community blacks aren't united like we once were, as Bishop T.D. Jakes talks about here. Then again, no community is like that community was...or we aren't hearing about them. I do believe it's time we re-purpose our communities, and for once it can not be based on ethnicity or some singular identifying characteristic unless it carries a massive advantage for that community and those surrounded by it. The idea here is, whatever the re-purposed community chooses to do, it should reverberate beyond itself so that which surrounds it is affected as well.
And something else hit me...
as we celebrate the life, leadership and legacy of the one #formerlyKnown as Michael King Jr let us not forget that...
Posted by Marcus Smith on Monday, January 16, 2012
As you may or may not be able to tell during my "spiritual awakening" in 2012 I took issue with this notion that people have come to not really understand the roots of Dr. King's legacy, namely that they reduce it to being a good thing because it was necessary for blacks who lived in the United States and not because of where his inspiration came from. A lot of children today know of Dr. King, but they haven't the darnedest clue of WHO he is. Much is to be said about Jesus...
“If you washed away all of the Christian strands of Martin Luther King's
argument against segregation. It wouldn't be Martin Luther King.
It'd be something else. It'd be a lesser thing.”
So why is it that we have all of these people doing great things but no one really wants to lay it all on the line? Tavis Smiley answers that question in a linked video below. Might I suggest that most people although they love to help make a difference and lead change, rare is that individual who will do all it takes; whatever it takes...by any means necessary. And it's not as if people are very welcoming and open to a variety of ideas these days in the marketplace exchange of ideals. Sure there's diversity, but you see more tolerance than a general respect, love, and understanding for people and their differing of opinions
To realize the relative validity of one's convictions
and yet stand for them unflinchingly
is what distinguishes a civilized man from a barbarian.
(Part IV, Chapter XX, Section III, pg.243);
Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, Joseph Schmupeter
Many people have trouble with a both-and perspective (which we'll talk about soon), or at a minimum understanding this, even if your Truth trumps other truths, for the sake of civility in public discourse we must recognize them as legitimate and valid; for the time being. This includes being honest about parts of our traditions that aren't so pretty. When it comes to Christianity we must not forget many wars and battles that were fought, as well as slavery which was a foundational building tool in the US as well as many other places throughout the world. In the "Role of God in Public Life" link be sure to check out these 2 instances:
- "Very explicit about the dark side of his own tradition...” 1:04:40-1:05:30
- “Very few of us know our own traditions that well…” 1:18:00-1:23:00
I do believe the Civil Rights Movement was a movement of faith combining people from all walks of life and faith journeys. Often times I wonder how things would've been different had this been revival-esque, in that it had its focus in/on Jesus as the solution to the problem of racism/segregation. Often times it is said in a song belonging to the black experience, "We've come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord..." But where is the hope these days? The sense of urgency! There is none or at best it's in pockets here and there.
We must begin to face the hard realities before us and not just use faith as an opportunity to jump from one place in life to another. Faith is so much more than that! Our faith over the last 40 years or so, has not forced us to address these issues head on but has allowed us to bypass with a message of faith. We believe it's going to get better but few are in the trenches digging and laying a foundation (perhaps building on the foundation that is Christ) so in the generations to come problems will be solved. Our senior citizens and college students have the greatest potential impact given the time they have available to them.
I say all of that to say this. We are in desperate need of "average Joes and Josephines" who will stand up and take the risks that are needed.
Everybody's announcing their candidacy for President. I'll hold off, but I will say this...
I'm running for the Office of Common Sense (OCS) in 2016 and apparently I'm unopposed. Well, sort of...
Sumthn2Ponder (s2p):
- What characteristics are necessary for the leaders of today?
- How have I instilled leadership potential/qualities/characteristics into my children?
- Where can I be a leader in my own way?
Links for Consideration(L4C):
Your wriing and explanation of passages from different sources has gotten sharper and more defined. I applaud this post becuase it implores one to use critical thinking from a more pure Chridtian perspective. Keep up the good work! -Juggs
Thanks Juggy!
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