Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Stay in Gethsemane: When Pain Remains a Prereq for Change

It hurts like hell...


Lord God,
Take. this. cup.

P.S. You can have this (back)...

"Education: Check. Good (A**) Job: Check. There's still something missing..."

On last week we delve into how it can be/what it may feel like when something (or someone) is taking too long to transpire or manifest itself in one's life. Well, what about the scenario where it not only seems to be forever coming (i.e. what you're waiting on), but it's also painful. You'd rather quit and just go do something else...anything else, so long as you don't have to deal with the pain, frustration, and anguish this test is causing you to experience. There's so much agony that if you passed it around to those who surround you in close proximity, they'd be able to pass (some) on to 5 people who would be able to pass it on to someone else, til the 6 degrees of separation have finally been reached.

After I had graduated, I couldn't figure out why I felt the way I did. Maybe it was because my relationship was so back and forth. Possibly it was caused by my past-tiredness of being at my job. There's always the chance that I really longed to be home and this whole charade had carried on long enough. And although these are all possible contributing factors, I believe the reality is that I was still in a place which I wished to no longer occupy, yet I had to.

Perhaps you too have been in similar situations or circumstances, whether it be a relationship, your current employment condition or a host of other possibilities. You've been ready to move on, move out, move forward...just move it move it, some way some how some time soon. Not sure how much longer you can take of all that is going on, you strive to try and get day at a time. There were times previously when you witnessed how the pain of a situation did nothing short of set you up for whatever was to come next. A phase of preparation if you will. Just as we know "no pain, no gain", if we are honest with ourselves this rings true: No pain. No change. Some social examples would include those of rights: Civil rights. Women's rights. Other rights. What should be did not just come but was born through pain and suffering. Emphasis on the suffering. For anyone who is really trying to do great things, you will be caused to empty of yourself; it's the only way to fully give to others whatever you might have to offer.

Before Jesus was apprehended by those who came to "punish" him by death, he went away with his disciples to a garden in order to seek out some quiet time of prayer and reflection. The disciples' eyelids would constantly get heavy and Jesus would wonder why they weren't able to stay awake. In one of his prayers that was prayed in that special place (i.e. The Garden of Gethsemane) he asked that the Lord (God the Father) would take "this cup" from him (i.e. The forthcoming pain/suffering/crucifixion), "yet not my will, but yours be done". In a moment of absolute honesty and complete obedience, the man known to us as Jesus Christ pleaded that an end be brought and continued on to ask that what needed to be done would be.

SN: Notice the comparable situation here. Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden where the "original sin" is committed, and now the one who is to save all from sin is in another garden preparing to undergo tremendous pain and suffering (outside of that which He has already experienced).

" build on his foundation will be to find the cross etched into 
the pattern of our life and work over and over again.

We would rather this were not so, and we twist and turn to avoid it. 
We find ourselves in Gethsemane, saying, 'Lord, can this really be the way? 
If I have been obedient so far, why is all this happening to me?
...often the answer is simply that we must stay in Gethsemane." 

Excerpt taken from, The Challenge of Jesus (N.T. Wright) 
Chapter: The Light of the World (pg 189)

Whether you are religious or a free thinker, wandering and not lost or found in His offerings of grace and mercy, you too can learn from this lesson in the garden. We don't like to be hurt. Sometimes things come our way which are beyond our control and completely undeserved. It's all too easy to quit or take the low road when faced with adversity and tremendous unsettling in our everyday living. I too would rather do something else, anything else if it would mean all the pain would go away. Yet, I continue to stay where I'm at (if I need to be there) so that what needs to be done, can be done.

Pain isn't the worse thing that can happen to us. What would be worse is our giving into the temptation to give up, our allowing defeat to rule over us, and having a false sense of security that says, "As long as I can be happy everything will be fine." Even in the midst of pain we can find reason for joy and thanksgiving. Won't you try remembering what you're thankful for and how you felt the last time you got over that obstacle, made it through the storm, and got to the place you had been working towards all along?

Don't leave unless you have to. There will come a day when you will stay because you must.

The quick skinny:

What does this mean for me? #theReader 
Press on. Stand firm. Don't give up. No matter how much it hurts or how undeserved everything is that comes your way, remember that it'll be for your good in the end.

For further insight: Read-Constrained on all Sides, Romans 8, Mark 14, The Challenge of Jesus

This is F.U.N. (For Ur Needs)  Use your KEYS
  • Know that much of the pain life brings is for building us up
  • Expect to be hurt and remain in "hurtful" spaces until the trial ends
  • Your resolve will result in a reward
  • Stay the course

  • Think of a "pain" that you are experiencing and ask: Is this necessary for change?

Bob Ya’ Head
While I'm Waiting (John Waller) Lyrics

***Explanation: Kevin Hart has done a number of stand-up comedy specials including: Laugh at my Pain and Seriously Funny.