Monday, May 7, 2012


UPDATE: 7:15 AM EST 05/07/12 [Added "A World Without Jobs" Link]

Phew...1. More. go.

I'll be done with the collegiate education system (not). I'll go on to have a successful career (debatable). And of most importance I will have conquered a major milestone worth celebrating by anyone/everyone who knows me (mostly true).

Looking back on this journey, there were times when I wasn't so sure what would happen or even if I'd get to this point. I just about quit on several occasions.

When preparing this entry originally I had no idea what to say/how to say it. Instead I asked more questions:

The question for today is simple: What does it mean to be non-perishable? So often times we as humans don't have a great understanding for our capacity (or lack thereof) when it comes to all that is life.

I love God because he listened to me, listened as I begged for mercy. 
He listened so intently 
as I laid out my case before him. 
Death stared me in the face, 
hell was hard on my heels. 
Up against it, I didn't know which way to turn; 
then I called out to God for help: 
"Please, God!" I cried out. 
"Save my life!" 
God is gracious—it is he who makes things right, 
our most compassionate God. 
God takes the side of the helpless; 
when I was at the end of my rope, he saved me.


For starters let's get some context for this idea encompassed by the word "nonperishable".

non·per·ish·a·ble [non-per-i-shuh-buhl]


1. not subject to rapid deterioration or decay: A supply of nonperishable food was kept for emergencies.
"Nonperishable foods are “shelf-stable” items that do not spoil or decay. They can withstand months (even years) of shelf life, which is why they are sometimes referred to as “shelf-stable” foods. They’re the items found on the shelves of most home pantries… and these items are a vital staple for foodshelves when serving hungry individuals and families." [Emergency Foodshelf Network]

Hopefully you don't get too hungry in reading through this as much of the underlying foundation will tie to food and nutrition, as it should.

From a Christian perspective there's a lot to be said about the idea of being nonperishable. In an effort to keep it on the ground level, less I murky the water, we'll go through a few quick verses and I'll provide some commentary.

Matthew 25:31-46
As believers we are called to do a number of things. As decent human beings I would suggest the call or order to "look after" one another is no different whether you feel it is out of moral "obligation" or the kindness of your heart. Perhaps it's just what your people taught you. In this part of the text Jesus is talking to everyone at the day of Judgment, essentially going through the motions of revealing who did what they were supposed to with their time here on earth. Specifically, there are those who provided food/sustenance for the poor, hungry and destitute. Things such as taking stance on social justice issues and speaking out against all forms of oppression. Some folk felt they were doing good deeds and had no idea that they were actually serving Jesus in the process. They'd ask, "But Lord, when did we do (these things) to you?!"

This addresses the physical, emotional, social, and psychological needs of individuals being met when it comes to the idea of being nonperishable. In order to continue on in life, one must make sure that they have adequate resources, and reserves by being replenished in the various forms/fashions available.

I'm Gonna Die Anyways

Now, for some folk they look at life in this manner: You live and you die, what you do in between is no one's business but your own. Others may take the approach of, "YOLO!" (i.e. You Only Live Once). Let's not forget my good friend and neighbor Whiz Khalifa who highly suggests you live, "Young and Wild and Free".

SN: My main issue with Whiz is that all his songs are about pot! They're catchy, but come on dude; "Show me what you got!" I guess that's what he's doing...I digress.

If we're all gonna die anyways, hopefully no one goes out like they do in the Final Destination movie series... what's the point in living a life driven by certain values, principles, or tenets?

In the Christian community and many others there's an idea of "everlasting life" or simply put, you'll die a physical death but there's more on the "other side" (whatever that means).

John 3:16
In this portion of the text we see what is so often known and quoted by almost everyone, especially if you know Timmy Tebow "the hometown hero". God gave us himself in human form, providing hope that we might not actually "die" but live "forever". I won't break down what that means in all its entirety; however, you should understand that God (the selfish God that he is) really does want you to think more of your life beyond "living and dieing". This also speaks to one not wasting their life, which for just about everyone is up for debate on how not to do that. Wasting your life is akin to spoilage, which is what comes of food that goes unused before it rots, is not consumed in due time, becomes contaminated, etc.

Here's another good question that people might often ask, "Where is your God?!" People may mock the idea of "waiting" on some omnipotent being to return in all His majesty/glory to save the day. If he does exist, why hasn't he done anything yet?! Doesn't he know there are a lot of "bad things" going on down response to that would be here (2 Peter 3:8-9). God isn't being slothful as you might think, wanting you to have access to a life that is of greater abundance than you could ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). The question is why. And here (John 10:25-30) is the answer: He doesn't want you to perish because he loves you.

What does it mean to perish?

per·ish   [per-ish]
verb (used without object)
1. to die or be destroyed through violence, privation, etc.
2. to pass away or disappear
3. to suffer destruction or ruin
4. to suffer spiritual death

Have you ever felt "ruined"? Like, worthless. Meaningless. A nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zero. Gooseegg.

What about messed over? Played with. Manipulated. Stepped on. Taken advantage of.

Need I go on....(I probably should for your sake)

Let's return back to the original context: nonperishable vs. perishable foods.

Every Saturday morning at First United Methodist Church of Pittsburgh there's what I liken to a "food pantry" (i.e. Ministry of sustenance and hospitality) which serves those who are "less fortunate"/show up for a time of Bible Study (i.e. Voluntarily) or food and fellowship. It's called, "First Food and Friends" and has been around for some time. Originally supported/operated from within the church, it has since become its own sustainable ministry.

I often enjoy the time that I spend there because I'm with "normal" people. People who complain because they most likely have a right too. People who are thankful that you don't mind serving them and would rather do that between 9am-1pm on a Saturday than sleep in or watch cartoons. People who are hurting, broken, and in need of something we all can give....LOVE.

I have no idea the needs of the people who come in and out of those doors every so often. I am aware that many struggle with addictions, illness, and pain beyond measure. I also know that this weekly time of fellowship brings together folks that we so often look through in the midst of our daily "living" (myself included; "Please don't ask me for another dollar, you are NOT riding the bus today").

The meals we serve at First Food and Friends are very much perishable; a hot meal. In some instances they get "multiple meals" in one day. The last time I volunteered we must have had at least 3 types of went fast!

Perishable foods can go bad in the quickness. Non-perishable foods, not so much. There are some foods which never really go bad, although I'm unable to think of any at the time.

Here are a few quick key terms and I'm done:

  • Shelf life- how long something is able to "wait" around before being used up
    • Best before- date by which you can expect a certain quality
    • Use by- date by which it is to be used
    • Freshness Date- date in which it is guaranteed to be fresh until

Sometimes we think of shelf life as an expiration date, when in fact that isn't the case. Expiration of foods, liquids, etc has to do with the idea of quality vs safety. How long will this item retain its level of quality and even then is it still safe to be consumed?

Ask this question about your life. Did you think about it that way?! Be honest. You have a shelf life, which includes a "best before", "use by", and a "freshness date". We even have a "due date" which is more in terms of an actual expiration, a day in which we will cease to live "on this side".

My hope for you after reading this, although it isn't one of the most interesting pieces, is that you be at peace with the way you live your life. That your life isn't a source of constant stress, pain and anguish because you are simply not trying to perish (i.e. Be destroyed, waste away, die for nothing).

If there's anything I learned during my time studying to become a Master of Science, it's this: God is enough.

Had he not brought me ALL the way from the South to the terrain-filled place full of bridges and people who are quite unique, I'd not know that. I mean, I heard it all the time prior but "seeing and believing" are two different things.

I pray on this day you'd see that you too can be "nonperishable".


The quick skinny:
  • It's important to know why you live the way you do.

What does this mean for me? #theReader 
You should figure out your reasons, motivations, and purpose for living. If anything about your current life has you feeling a tad bit unsettled; make changes.

For further insight: Read-Purpose Driven Life*, Storing Up Treasure, A World Without Jobs

This is F.U.N. (For Ur Needs)  Use your KEYS
  • Know that life has been given to you for a reason
  • Expect to struggle with understanding why you're here
  • Your role is to play you and no one else
  • Stay in your zone; don't be anyone other than who you're created to be

  • Do a growth check and be honest with yourself; how far have you come in the last 2 years?!

Bob Ya’ Head #DoubleFeature
God Is Enough (Lecrae)

Don't Waste Your Life (Lecrae) Lyrics

*If you contact me I'll personally get you a copy.


ladysoulncali said...

I feel like I need counseling now. I think my Freshness and Best Before Date have passed. Now what?

liMitz said...

Now what...that's always the never ending question isn't it?!

I wouldn't worry too much about your freshness/best before date.

The best thing you can do is focus on living everyday the way you feel it should be lived.

As long as you're alive, you're fresh! And we all know that fresh foods are the best foods #nutrition #quality