Monday, September 19, 2011

Fish Out of Water: Spiritual Asthma

I think it's amazing some of the different ways people advertise products, services, and the like. One thing that's always grasped my attention is when I either listen to the radio, watch television or see a billboard or poster at a bus stop and it says, "Brought to You by the Ad Council".

Recently I saw the poster for one of my favorite ads that features my friend Jesse. Jesse talks about what it's like having asthma....

For those who don't know the Ad Council is this "lovely" group that's responsible for putting on various public service announcements in hopes of getting you, its viewers and listeners to wisen up.

Perhaps what Jesse didn't realize was that he spoke of something much more fundamental than the need to breathe...a requirement to survive. Yet even Jesus himself said that children would teach us amazing things (Matthew 21:16, Psalm 8:2).

O great and merciful God, we come to you at this moment asking that you would forgive us of our ignorance and nonchalant behavior; going on living as if you don't exist. Some of your children are doing a much better job at being atheists than those who truly are lost and can not understand your compassion, power, and awesome splendor. We pray that you would open our eyes yet again to that which is so easily seen, but yet so quickly overlooked. May we realize that without you we will suffocate in this world, much like a fish out of water. Amen.

Jesse, buddy...I'm not sure if I'll ever meet you or if those words truly were yours, but I can say this much "I thank ya!" #getyaPraiseon Your realization that there's difficulty in being unable to breathe without air, has helped me and will help others realize that we shouldn't take such simple and common everyday things for granted.

It reminds me of something I recently saw on a social networking site:
"If you don't think every day is a good day, just try missing one. ~Cavett Robert"
I don't have asthma but know of a number of people that's no fun. I couldn't even imagine what it'd be like to have an asthma attack. Sometimes though I feel like Jesse does with his asthma. It's similar to the way I get and feel without my Jesus.


Back in 2007 an artist with the last name of "Holiday" released a single called 'Suffocate'. He goes on to sing a melody of how he can't do a number of things without that special someone. The specific line that I want to focus on is when he says, "I suffocate when you're away from me, so much love you take from me...I'm going out of my mind".

Now...think about your life and if you have/had a relationship with someone who means/meant the world to you, what it'd be like to not have that person around...or even worse, to lose them indefinitely.

Undoubtedly it'd be tough. Sometimes because of heartbreak or physical distance we tend to "go out of our mind". What if those feelings of hurt and pain were really more of a physical torment, specifically you think you'd be able to survive? (Aside: When I experienced my first heartbreak I just about died...or thought I might)

For Christians being without our source of power (i.e. Christ) brings us to moments of weakness. Times when we are literally unable to breathe naturally and live life how it's intended. Without God in our lives we're without love; so much love is taken from us when we don't do that which God asks of us. How is the love taken away? Simply...God is love...without him all you have is a facade of what you think Love really is (1 Cor. 13).

Fish need water in order to breathe. It's a part of their environment. It allows things to be in correct "order" within their atmosphere of life. Christ is living water and comes into the lives of those who thirst so that they may not thirst anymore (John 4:7-15).

The quick skinny:
  • Jesse is an awesome name b\c Jesus is one of his descendants #jesseTree
  • I've seen how fish 'act' when they are without water (i.e. In the process of dieing)
  • Water is a necessity for life, so is breath

What does this mean for me? #theReader
Many physical ailments are a result of having a lack of something. Come to a place where you realize that without God it's hard to breathe or function correctly; you're in a good place. He doesn't want you to feel that you must suffocate like a fish without water. Don't subscribe yourself to Spiritual Asthma anymore than you must or already have. Let Christ be your inhaler; breathe life.

For further insight:
Read- Jesse and Jesus, Fight Childhood Asthma, Provide Water in Jesus' Name*
*I give to this cause

This is F.U.N. (For Ur Needs) Use your KEYS
  • Know that you are a 'fish' in need of water
  • Expect to have more frequent attacks without Christ
  • Your ability to breathe shouldn't be taken for granted
  • Stay in need of God's grace and mercy

  • Don't "body ya'self" (i.e. Kill yourself) because you're a fish without water.
  • Don't punish yourself by going through dehydration due to lack of true living water.
  • Do recognize that without Christ in your life things will get "drastic" and fairly quickly.

Bob Ya’ Head

Catch Me at the Brook (Sho Baraka ft. Lecrae)