Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Mis-educated Humans #confirmMyBias

What a game on Sunday, am I right?

Far from what we expected. Some even think it was a setup. Is wool being pulled over our eyes?

Fortune Cookie say: 

Teach oneself by exploring the old and deducing the new.

It's deduction time.

Father, open our eyes that we might see.
Our ears that we might hear.
Our hearts that we might receive.

I like getting fortune cookies, not because they say something enlightening about my life but because they say something enlightening about humanity. I mean, how proverbial is that fortune cookie above! To understand the new is to learn about the old and truly teach yourself.

Lately, I've been doing a lot of thinking. Pondering on the state of the world, "America the beautiful", why I'm still unemployed. The simple things ya know. One subject that always remains constant is our affinity for negative information and propaganda. I'm not saying there isn't any truth to some of these things. What I am saying is stop propagating foolishness just because you heard someone say it. Being an African-American in a country that still despises anything to do with people whose skin color isn't a pale white, I know as a culture we all too often fall prey to mistrusting, misunderstanding, and miseducating ourselves with rumors, wives tales, and stories of how some "bigger evil" is always at work behind the scenes. A lot of this has to do with what our ancestors or "Mama nem" believed/felt/thought; included is whatever religious or faith inclinations/convictions we may or may not personally have, yet are generally "held up" in the wider community. We've got plenty reason not to trust including, slavery. Slavery. And, slavery.

Have a laugh before we get into the nitty gritty.

Naturally, I haven't been receiving as many hugs as I feel are owed to me. It's almost akin to a form of reparation without any monetary value tied to it. Back to the conversation, have we become dumb as a country?

Let's start with something which may or may not be obvious to most people. Words that have historically had a specific denotation (or dictionary definition and literal meaning) tied to them are changing rapidly. Much of this is enhanced through the use of technology and social networks which cause us to rethink certain social constructs. In other cases a group or person may inject a term or phrase into the cultural abyss until it gains steam and becomes "the new normal". Terms have become so convoluted even within their own arena of meaning and significance that you have to define them before having a discussion to ensure it means the same thing to everybody. This is especially a cause of "concern" in many academic environments.

For example, the words gay and queer began with different understandings originally. At some point and through various cultural applications (as well as an effort to "reclaim/take back" a word, similar to what some blacks say has happened/is happening with the word nigger/nigga) regarding the use of the term, they evolved and took on much broader significance. Now, terms such as these have become commonplace in our linguistic dialect such to the point that when we hear them, our brain automagically associates them with sexual orientation versus being care free or strange and peculiar. Depending on who you talk to, mentioning of there being a spectrum for sexual orientation is very peculiar or strange indeed; no less strange I'd assume than having a commercial about America sung in plenty of languages other than English.

[Added 2/6/14] Porn is another example. Nowadays on social media you have "food porn", "earth porn", "word porn". Instead of being something explicitly sexual and morally challenging, this new use tends to highlight the delight or visual representation, in some cases as a substitute for sex.

The Boogie Man
Everyone loves a good story, except when it's based on a conspiracy. A popular artist married to one of the most successful rappers in the game "turns out the lights" during the halftime show of the Super Bowl. "Did you see that act of worship?" Nobody other than the Illuminati would've conspired to do this; "...give me all your energy!" Never mind that the Super Bowl was held in New Orleans in a venue which has had problems and issues due to Hurricane Katrina. But you know what? There's a lot of voodoo that they do down in New Orleans, so maybe there's some truth to it. #sarcasm

Illuminati, Free Masons, New World Order, 9/11, Big Brother/Orwellian Society, Anti-Christ (which some folks think, deviating from having a white president means this person is the leader of our impending doom), Doomsday/Apocalyptic scenarios, Stereotypes of Gays. These are a handful of theories, rumors, and ideals that some of us believe in or align with from the standpoint of suggesting these groups or those who operate within do so in a way which uses an "invisible hand" in the affairs of the world. Most people don't realize that the Illuminati as it was originally setup disbanded a long long time ago. And when it comes down to the world ending because of the Mayan Calendar, how long ago was 1987 and 2012?!

Don't forget that any sign of pandemic or a neutralizing virus or health condition, must have been brought on by the government (See: Anthrax, AIDS, etc.) How many people do you know who won't get Flu vaccines ONLY because they've heard a story of what happened to some one who got really messed up as a result of it? The likelihood of that happening to any of us is very small in number. And one of my favs, people not giving their babies shots because they think there's a chance that the child might become autistic. This last one simply isn't true and stems from a study that was written a long time ago which was debunked, yet continues to be believed.

We Can't Be Friends
Why do we think science and religion don't mix? That's not true lol. What about philosophy and faith? Is it impossible to have some intelligence about yourself and articulate your beliefs reasonably? Speaking on my own behalf I know this to be true. Somewhere, probably after the 17th century we got it wrong because it became more about winning and disproving everyone so we could be free and do as we please. At one point people of varying opinions, lifestyles, and the like were able to live in peace with no problem.

Blacks and the Republican party; don't get me started. Does anyone understand the significance that the Republican party has played in our history and how we were with them until "jumping ship" to go blue? There are a lot of reasons for this. Here's something to think on:

Robert F. Kennedy (JFK's brother) helped get Martin Luther King, Jr. freed from jail. MLK's father (i.e. Sr.) endorsed John F. Kennedy for President (as a result and in doing so persuaded blacks to vote this way also). MLK, Sr. was historically a Republican. Many blacks historically were Republicans for a number of reasons. Blacks have forever become counted as "automatic votes" in the democratic party; similar to Republicans counting on the vote of Conservative Christians because God "doesn't believe in abortion". It does seem our country is becoming increasingly "democratic" to an extent. Much of this can be traced back to Civil Rights legislation that Lyndon B. Johnson took up as a result of Kennedy's assassination, although both weren't too hot on the topic at first. In addition to that President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal was heaven sent for many blacks (and poor people) in America introducing a few niche ideas many have come to love or hate, including welfare.

Nature vs. Nurture
We were visiting my grandma and as we waited for a table to become available this baby, who couldn't've (new word?) been more than 2 years old is acting as a child that age normally does. He takes his car, puts it on the ground and sends it off. Another child near him picks it up immediately, and hands it back to the original owner. The baby's mother reminds him to say, "Thank you", which he does. And in this instance we realize and understand the natural chemistry children have to get along and play with one another on a small microcosm of the world which is the playground (or a restaurant), yet not being restrained by something as silly as color.

In this example the "baby" is white and the other "child" black. Imagine speeding up time and this toy car being something more of value and common stereotypes being placed on each of these who have grown up to be young men, all things equal (in their upbringing, not society). Do you think the baby who has now grown up will say, "Thank you"? Even worse do you believe the child who is now a man of color will want to help and if he does, what's the chance that he'll be subjected to some sort of stereotypical way of seeing things here in the good ole US of A? No matter how educated we are, how much we want our children and the surrounding world to embrace diversity and look beyond things such as color, class, creed, we're not there yet and it's foolish and naive to think that the world won't view this situation similar to how it always has. You could flip the ethnicity of the two involved and similar stereotypes could be placed as well, just have them "change places".

We're born with such innocence and in no time we learn to become instinctly (new word?) distrustful of our environment. Music seems to have become the gateway to rebellion, starting with rock (or anything seen as "secular"), which morphed into the rap/hip-hop "exhibition", and lately everything is popish including songs of only living once and dieing young. We feed on fear...and I'm not suggesting that music isn't a perfect way to have us think and behave certain ways, what I'm suggesting is, maybe people are doing what we want them to do: Ship weight. Make money. Keep us coming back for more. We're a consumerist society. Unless you're producing and have consumers, you're a slave to someone else (even if only mentally).

There are a few who control the many, our eyes and ears, what we purchase, sometimes forgetting to tell us the "whole truth" and nothing but the truth. Yet, at the same time we're not sure who we can trust and if that guy who's a "9/11 Truther" is actually telling what he knows to be true, something that was passed down to him in some forum on the internet, or if he just wants media time.

One last thing. If I could have my way and wanted a better story line, I'd make sure the Seattle Seahawks won that game. Think about it (indulge me once again): 2nd Black QB to start/win a Super Bowl, only 5'11, going up against a titan of a quarterback who has had a hell of a comeback story AND won MVP for the season. But for it to not even be close and the defense to pretty much hand Peyton his behind...what more can you say...conspiracy? Or maybe...Percy Harvin.

Let's be for real. That first snap. A safety?!

The quick skinny:
  • Bearing false witness; nothing short of criminal.
  • We love having an enemy.
  • I did the research.

What does this mean for me? #theReader 
Have If you believe in God or a god, or some higher power, how does someone else or something else "rule the world"? Learn to observe. Ask questions. Study. Repeat.

For further insight: Read- Dumbing Down?Purpose of EducationIlluminati PrimerMyth of Republican RacismEnemies of Science, Friday the 13th

This is F.U.N. (For Ur Needs)  Use your KEYS
  • Know that "smart" people get it wrong too
  • Expect more conspiracies to pop up; we're in the "end times"
  • Your resolve to learn and grow determines how you live
  • Stay alert and pay attention; it's a requirement these days

  • Believe in something positive for once.
  • Confirm your bias and then challenge it.

Bob Ya’ Head
Words I Never Said (Lupe Fiasco)