There's always some fun political fodder that I come across from what seems to be a conservative bent. Either Hell shall come to earth soon, the way our financial system is currently set up suggests impending doom, or in fact the President is the person needed for all sorts of apocalyptic scenarios to play out properly.
Let's talk a little bit about the economy. Keep in mind, that this is just one of those times where we'll think on some things, but not too hard, because the credibility may or may not actually be there. What am I saying? We're going to listen to what's being said and give it some room to breathe.
Jeremiah 6:14 (NASB) #verseOfReflection
They have healed the brokenness of My people superficially,
Saying, ‘Peace, peace,’
But there is no peace...
Not too long ago I finished reading a book about conspiracy theories (among other things). Since I don't want to give away content from the next entry, you'll just have to stay tuned. Quickly though let's think about the economy. The President (and his administration) continues to suggest that the economy is getting better (slowly but surely). Jobs are being added in number. More people are being offered the unbelievable opportunity of being able to possibly mobilize upward socially. And let me just say, I know that politicians can't be trusted. A lot of people are in this government/public service game to gain for themselves; at the same time I know many started out and continue to stick with it because they have a heart of service. I honestly believe that President Obama is and continues to be one of those people, despite not having a "magical wand" to fix everything and in addition to that do it in such a way where everyone is happy.
Moving on. Certain people in the realm of politics and in the "real world" in general believe that things are the way they are due to the President's failed economic policies (although they fail to offer proper rebuttal; with substance). Everything seems to be falling on his shoulders and he bears the burden for not returning us to prosperity sooner, or depending on who you ask, he's the reason why we're headed down the wrong path even quicker than some may have anticipated. We won't look into his policies here but it's interesting how people who all work in the same place have a different view.
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Somebody's lieing. Who do you think it is??? |
Video may not work. Another link added below.*
Shifting gears...
There's a term or concept known as a "false prophet". When it comes to Biblical understandings this is someone who would prophesy or simply put, speak things as though they were the truth even when they aren't. On a more basic level, this might be someone simply spewing erroneous information whether intentional or not. How many times have we heard that the world would end? Let's not forget about the way in which the Anti-Christ should've reared his ugly head by now. And last but certainly not least, why haven't we all fallen prey to the enslavement brought on by technology; well that one might have some merit to it. The economy isn't the roaring monster of the 90's but should the Lord allow us to get somewhere resembling that, we must do better and not think that all of our problems are solved. You find out who you really are when you have everything, especially the stuff you don't need.
Speaking of prosperity. Prosperity isn't only about material well being. There's so much more to that then what people think. It's a shame how many folks fall for get rich quick schemes over and over again. It's because someway, somehow, we've got this mindset of capitalism ingrained in our very being. How'd it get there?! There's nothing wrong with capitalism, but the greed that tends to possess people causes us to do some crazy stuff.
Speaking of prosperity. Prosperity isn't only about material well being. There's so much more to that then what people think. It's a shame how many folks fall for get rich quick schemes over and over again. It's because someway, somehow, we've got this mindset of capitalism ingrained in our very being. How'd it get there?! There's nothing wrong with capitalism, but the greed that tends to possess people causes us to do some crazy stuff.
Personally, as I mentioned in my state of the union response, things are indeed getting better; however, as stated in this article, I also know we're going to have to learn and adjust to a new "standard of living". No more purchasing beyond our means, trying to keep up with whoever just moved in the neighborhood, living and pretending to be something and someone we're not. This article goes to a great length of detail to show what it would look like to adjust to a "lower standard of living". I'm suggesting we adjust to a better and more personal fitting standard of living. One in which we have what we need, are able to enjoy additional amenities, yet be able to share if need be. If there's anyone who goes hungry without food, shelter, or basic needs being met, we all experience this with them. A great example of this is with the recent "snow storm" in Atlanta. People can laugh and crack jokes all day, but that was indeed serious business that those folks were dealing with. Doesn't matter if you're in a place that averages 15+ inches of snow during the winter. Atlanta is in a Southern state which gets a touch of snow every now and again. The way people's hearts went out to those stranded and in instances when folks got innovative such as Cathy's Chik-Fil-A, we saw the best of who we can be.
Enough of my soap box...
My point is. Even when things get better, don't assume that now you can start making it rain or dropping stacks just cuz the sun is shining again. Be humble. Be modest. Live wisely.
In the links sections are excerpts to some books that I found to be interesting (even though we lived through 2012 & 2013), as well as another video which talks about the failing economy and how we got here. These are meant for fun, amusement, as well as to be thought provoking.
I also am not endorsing anything; information sharing only.
I also am not endorsing anything; information sharing only.
Lastly, you may want to check your President on what he said Tuesday. Here's a #factCheck as well as a recap from past years. Things aren't great, they will look up at some point, but for now we have to...
Next up: Mis-educated humans. Don't miss out.
Sumthn2Ponder (s2p):
- The economy is not so great. Who do you blame?
- Have I adjusted to a new standard of living?
- Does it seem as if I'm only living day to day?
Links for Consideration(L4C):
- Here's...Barry!
- Austerity Debunked [Added: 03-10-14]*
- Cashless (excerpt)
- 2012 (excerpt)
- Aftershock (Video from 2011)
In case you need it
He's Got the Whole World