Take a look at how I felt a year ago...complete with FacebookTM entries

April 30
"Guess I'm not as much of a man's man as I thought I was..." #april30
Better Than a Hallelujah (Amy Grant) Lyrics
May 5
"and here come all of the posts from ppl who didn't work the discussion board during the semester. Shame on you! Doesn't matter; grades never matter...unless you need them to #giggle graduate >_<"
"How dare my professors lie to me and say, "It's not about the grade"?! You know "damn well", if we don't buy into your system we can't get permission to do a lil more than washin' dishes. Can I get an amen?! I played your game for 2 decades. Give. Me. My. Paper!"
May 7
May 8
SN: noticed I spelled spot wrong...not a common typo for me
May 9
"Will I make it through the rest of this week, who knows?! Here's some perspective Non-Perishable #imdatruth.blogspot.com SN:Study time...goodbye world"
May 20
Prayer: The greatest wireless connection ever. #inspirationalTshirt
May 22
May 24
The good thing is that although I don't officially have a degree "conferred", nothing else was "deferred". {Ecclesiastes 7:8}
What does that mean?! Dream job #check...debts soon to be paid off #workInProgress Educated at a premiere institution #pendingGraduate
"It's all good, when it's all bad. There's something working in me. What you call that?!" #walkingOnWater_Lecrae #get2Drankin #thirstyThursday
May you find what you're looking for on today. If you don't, keep searchin!"
May 30
Sometimes we go through. I mean, really go through. We may feel like we're alone, although we never really are. Keep fighting. Never give up. The grass is always greener on the other side and the light will shine again. #trustMe
Wishin' You Well, Wherever You're At In Life