Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Teaching on Spirits: Day 15

Can a Christian be demon-possessed?

I know many's first response is, "No!" Or maybe something a little stronger.

Remember Judas? What about Peter? The Lord knew one would betray Him after Satan "entered", and the other before denying Him three times thought He was doing Jesus a favor until he got rebuked (See: John 13:27, Mark 8:32-33).

Let's look at the facts shall we?

1. First, what do we mean by Christian?

Confessing Jesus as your Lord and believing he was raised from the dead(See: Romans 10:9)

2. Secondly, where do demons hide?

In our bodies (See: Day13 #toS).

[In resource #4 it is argued that demons actually influence / inhabit or soul, not our bodies...this makes perfectly good sense. As we discern whether it is the physical body or only the "living soul", let us remember that the soul and spirit are wrapped in the body...this belongs in a conversation on what exactly the soul is.]

3. What is demon-possession?

Having, controlling, or owning... (See: Day14 #toS).


4.What role does the Holy Spirit play in having, controlling, or owning a Christian (i.e. possession)?

The Holy Spirit seals us as a form of ownership for the Lord. He also bears witness to what God is desiring to do in our lives & helps us to grow and bear much fruit so that our outward living would reflect an inner change. (See: Ephesians 1:13, 2 Cor. 1:22, Rom. 8:16-17, Gal. 5:22-26)

We see here that if one is a Christian they receive the Holy Spirit as soon as they believe (See: Resources). The Holy Spirit places a mark or seal upon us, meaning that we belong to the Lord.

Can a Christian be demon-possessed? If they are a Christian, meaning they have the Holy Spirit, the answer is No.

But, remember we talked about possession, oppression, and influence, right? (See: Day14 #toS)

Perhaps a Christian cannot FULLY be had, owned, or controlled by an evil spirit, but can a Christian be influenced: Absolutely!

And this my brothers and sisters is where so many of us have fallen because we have falsely believed that the Holy Spirit saves us from any evil influence in our lives to include from within our own bodies.

Remember, our bodies are temples. Just as the Holy Spirit dwells inside of us (giving us a new spirit), much else may dwell there as well. Think about it, how often do we move on in life without having fully dealt with our past? Does the phrase, "Cleaning out my closet" ring a bell? It's possible to live and live well even with certain things unresolved or unaddressed. This is also why success keeps many of us bound because it's covering up what really is the root cause of our issues.

Also, remember there were times when bad things (abominations) went on INSIDE the temple of God (See: Ezekiel 8). If it can happen there it can happen in our "earthly tents" (another phrase for bodies).

Whatever you feed, whether flesh or SPIRIT, will determine the fruit you display.

If the disciples closest to Jesus can be used by Satan, willingly, unwillingly, much more susceptible are you follower of Christ?

Extra Credit: Read stories involving demons in the Bible.

Does it state if these individuals are Christian as opposed to being unbelievers?

1. Seal of the Holy Spirit
4. Demon Abilities #longRead

Also, if you ever have doubts or questions on the resources let me know. You should be looking for those things tied directly to what we're touching on in the teaching, not so much opinion and fanfare.

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