Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Make 'Em (Routinely) Suffer: The State of G(r)ay Affairs #MERS

I just wanted to provide for my family. A bachelor's wouldn't cut it.

Help. me. Jesus. Help. me! #kevHartVoice

There's this slight possibility that I've been tricked, hoodwinked, bamboozled. On the flip side, maybe, just maybe I am taking my faith a little more seriously.

Church, Platforms, Influence #CPI
Sometimes the way we go about our lives as Christians cause non-believers to go "la la la". As I mentioned before I could be wrong. I'm no pastor, just a (secularly educated) layman (i.e. Regular folk). We must reach outside the comfort of our cliques, question our faith (See: Critical thinking), and disciple differently (e.g. New & creative ways). As many know, millennials are overly connected, disruptive, revolutionaries...I find it interesting that communication has become such a key ingredient in our struggle to make sense of the ever propagating world around us.

That's so... #nonPejorative
I've been thinking. Nothing out of the ordinary there. Things are a bit strange at times surrounding a lot of today's topic of conversation. Since queer means strange, shady, suspicious...unusually different or of a questionable nature, would it be wrong or inappropriate to say something is " queer"? I'm reminded of how the phrase "that's so gay" was looked down upon because of the subtle comparison between "gay" and "stupidity". Took some time to loosen that, but I honestly do see certain things as being "gay" these days; gay being lighthearted, sprightly, and playful.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I got some rememberin' to do.

The quick skinny:
  • The more I try to live as Christ did, the more I suffer. Seems...counter-intuitive.

What does this mean for me? #theReader 
My father says that almost the whole world is asleep. Everybody you know. Everybody you see. Everybody you talk to. He says that only a few people are awake and they live in a state of constant total amazement.-Patricia, Joe VS the Volcano.

Ask yourself the following:
What is...

  • Suffering
  • Persecution
  • Hatred
  • Grace
  • the kingdom of God

For further insight: Read- Virginia's Gay Methodism, A Ram in the Bushes, Schisa-what?It's Our AnniversaryIn Defense of Gay Teens, Love Wins, Progress Africa

The "Tebow" RuleTop 5 Timmy TruesTimmy Should Quit!God is NOT Mocked

Honorable Mention: Perseverance, The Black Church

This is F.U.N. (For Ur Needs)  Use your KEYS
  • Know that suffering is for our good
  • Expect to be hated/persecuted
  • Your response reflects your maturity
  • Stay committed to the cause 

  • Grow in grace. Pursue peace. Love in longsuffering.

Bob Ya’ Head
If Not Us (Matthew West) Lyrics

With Every Act of Love (Jason Gray) Lyrics

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