Ever heard that in the course of conversation? Or what about this one...
"I was just thinking the same thing."
Is it possible that great minds really do think alike? If it is, I have one last question for you, "Are you thinking, what I'm thinking?"
Ever take the time to just stop and think? Or stop and be. You know, just exist...without the need of providing yourself any assistance. Ever wonder what it'd be like to reach a place of serenity where you can just sit and literally be chill all day long? Yea, that would be the life.
So, what am I thinking? Take a listen to this song and we'll jump into it.
How Great is Our God (Remix)
When I first heard this song I was intrigued by the arrangement. It was a nice mix, or remix rather. One thing I had picked up that I didn't pay a lot of attention to earlier was the statement made about ad-libbing God. Why would someone ad-lib God...and who is "qualified" to do so?
"Some of us can't ad-lib God, cuz we don't know what he sayin'."
First off, what does it mean to ad-lib? I took an acting course during my graduate studies and we talked a little about ad-libbing and improvisation, but my understanding beyond that primarily comes from what I've seen on television, in the movies, or at plays, and the like. Ad-lib is a shorter form of ad libitum which is Latin for the phrase, "at one's pleasure". Ad-lib can take on a number of syntactical forms (e.g Verb, noun, adjective, etc.) In this case we will look at it from a dramatic perspective.
Simply put, to ad lib is to speak through a character in such a way that the words used are not found in the text. If you're an actor/actress and you perform but use words other than what appears in the script, you my friend are ad-libbing. On the other hand if everything you do is unscripted, that would be the much more comical (at times) improvisation.
So what am I thinking?
If people ad-lib God, this means they use words, thoughts, and _____ (insert here) not in the text. How is that possible?! Why would someone "speak for God" yet not use words that are in the script?
Now a question that we must ask is, what is the script? Is it the Bible? Is it a log of every word spoken by God from the beginning until the end of time? What would be the start of this script...would it ever have an ending!?
Have you ever had someone speak for you and told them exactly what to say? Later on word gets back that they didn't say what you told them to. That's always enjoyable isn't it?
Let's take it a step further: Pastors, Teachers, Prophets, Ministers, Disciples...all of these folks in some form or fashion speak for God yet, how do we know if they truly are speaking from God's script? Pay attention next time someone speaks "for" God or by way of his influence and see how much seems to be their ad-libbing. For example, we have folks who love to quote scripture and sometimes they may add extra words or phrases. It's also possible that they might explain it in a way in which you've never heard but is still legitimate.
What's the point? The point is, everything that God says to us, or would have us say isn't always scripted. I mean, God knows and there are also instances where God has "changed" his mind (topic for another day).
How exactly, or when will we ad-lib God? What's the necessary context?
Well, in order to ad-lib a "character" you first have to know enough about that character to understand how they think. This is no different than the extreme methods actors go through in order to become "one" with their character. There's a big difference between remembering your lines and reciting them versus trying to immerse yourself in the character you are to portray, more or less become (i.e. Transform into).
The artist said that some folks can't ad-lib God because they don't know what he's saying. If you don't know how someone thinks, or what they say you're not going to be able to speak for them. Possibly worse, you may not have enough knowledge to be able to confidently say you know them.
"Some people aren't qualified to ad-lib God"
It's a true privilege and an honor to speak for God, let alone anyone who isn't yourself. Any time I get a chance to speak for someone else, I do my best to make sure that I have my t's crossed and my i's dotted. There's a number of things that you have to "be" in order to ad-lib God. At a minimum you must be prepared and studied. If you haven't read the Word you may be able to articulate certain things but your conviction will not be as strong and your ability to ad-lib God properly will be lessened.
14-16 The unspiritual self, just as it is by nature, can’t receive the gifts of God’s Spirit. There’s no capacity for them. They seem like so much silliness. Spirit can be known only by spirit—God’s Spirit and our spirits in open communion. Spiritually alive, we have access to everything God’s Spirit is doing, and can’t be judged by unspiritual critics. Isaiah’s question, “Is there anyone around who knows God’s Spirit, anyone who knows what he is doing?” has been answered: Christ knows, and we have Christ’s Spirit.

Another point that must be made for anyone who shall attempt or fulfill their role in ad-libbing God is that they must have the ability and eventually "attain" the mind of Christ. This is what the Apostle Paul is referring to in one of his many letters, expounding on the wisdom given to him by revelations, and other supernatural happenings. To have "Christ's Spirit", is to have his mind or a mind like him. Since Jesus, the son of God, knew what his Father needed of him and how he was to do it, it makes sense that if we have the mind of Christ, we also are to know what or how God thinks (in certain instances, but not all).
Before we wrap this up I want to talk about algae. I know it seems like quite a jump from having the mind of Christ to some biological topic; let me explain.
I have a few experiences in ad-libbing God. Some voluntary and others not so much (although you could argue they're all voluntary). What I've come to learn is that Ad-libing God is Always an Experience #algae Without going too deep into a biological dissertation, I will end with this.
There are types of algae that are in symbiotic relationships, where they share the responsibility of eating and producing energy with another organism, completely providing nourishment and energy to the "partner" organism, or in some instances acting as a "leech" in order to survive by withdrawing what they need from the "partner" organism. Allow me to suggest that ad-libbing God is most successfully done when we are in a symbiotic relationship with him. Ideally, we should allow him to provide us with the strength, energy, and resources to not only do his work but speak for him as well.
In this sense God is like algae and as you already know ad-libbing God is always an experience.
Get to ad-libbing,
How Great is Our God (Chris Tomlin)
P.S. How well can your friends ad-lib you?
Friend of God Remix (T.Haddy)