Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Occupado: All About the Benjamins #classWarFare

Here it is, the Democratic National Convention. We already know what will happen, much like we did with the Republican National Convention; well, that chair was a #standUp moment I felt. Good laughs indeed.

I wonder though, will the Occupy protesters show up this time if the weather is fair? Who knows...when this group first "got going" they seemed to be (or majority of them, especially the younger 20-somethings and below) folks who did nothing more than whine and complain.

It all makes sense. Corporate greed. Government overspending. Stepping all over the little guy. Not enough handouts or bailing out of them #weArethe99%

It seems today's climate in our society is nothing more than a war on wealth. "It's all about the benjamins (baby)" #paperChase

Got one question for you.: Now, what ya'll wanna do?! Wanna be ballers? Shot-callers? Brawlers--

For the record, I prefer the 53%...they seem to be like minded individuals.

When I was a student in undergrad one of the best professors I had would always remind us about the prospect of getting a good job...the BENNIES!!!! Bennies is short for benefits and that's the context I'll be using it in as there are other uses for it.

Is that too much to ask, to want to be able to do well for yourself and provide for your family...is this #occupy's motivation? A lot of people love to claim that they are a part of the "99%", when in reality they may not be. It's just another tool in society that is used to force a wedge between "them and us". Whoever them and us are as I sit on the sideline with my popcorn and watch in laughter.

Are there growing disparities between the rich and the poor...rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer? Welp, the facts seem to suggest so. It's not really class warfare but that's what many politicians might want you to think. The focus seems to be more on peoples having wealth versus well-being....so, I got another question for those who purport to be a part of the 99% but haven't lived long enough to really try to make a living for themselves: "Yes I have more money...you mad bro?"

If you're just tuning in to imdatruth.blogspot.com I want you to understand one thing....true wealth is found in Christ (Ephesians 3:8).

Got Beef?! #USDA_certified

My biggest issue with the occupy movement, other than those people close to my age who have yet to live feeling that they are part of the 99% when really a number of them just complain and whine because they're #millenials; when it first started it was a complete mockery of the Civil Rights Movement. Sure people have picketed and protested before, but none of what seems to be on as large of a scale as the Civil Rights Movement. Why a "mockery"?! Well for one if you really want change to come, visibility (i.e. Protesting) is a small part of it. An even bigger piece that is more effective generally is being in a position to actually effect legislation. We are where we're at as a country because of broken trust and failed policies, not to mention greed; however, many a great leaders have warned us of this path time and time again in the past #didWeListen?

SN: I also often wonder what these people could be doing if they weren't protesting, especially those who might have a job or could be gainfully employed if they chose to be...one person responded to my thoughts by saying, "corporate greed...government...these things happened". I didn't deny that, but is civil unrest justified...the spray painting of the office of a corporate store because...you're mad?!

Speaking of movements because that's all that is really going on these days, a movement here and a movement there...much power can be found in movements, but they come and go as was pointed out to myself and several others during a book review this past February when discussing a book which criticized Malcolm X and his life....I digress.

Here are current examples of movements going on (I'll let you do the research):
  • Anonymous/LulzSec
  • The American Front
  • Parent Revolution
  • StopKONY [Remember this?!]
  • Sovereign Citizens

With a few of these I'm sure you might be concerned and ready to #bearArms yourself in all seasons (If you did the research).

In continuing with this discussion, I thought to myself...why not Occupy the IRS? Surely it must be time! If we could actually get the tax system overhauled there might be more equality on the other end.

Remember how I said "legislation is key" or something not to short of that? Looks like the Tea Party (finally) figured it out; take a look. It even has a quotable:

"Everybody with a brain has abandoned protest 
as the means to accomplish policy."

Lastly, I'd like to introduce you to this fellow here, who decided to go without using money for a while.

This is F.U.N. (For Ur Needs)  Use your KEYS
  • Know that it's not a sin to be rich && have money (they can be 2 different things)
  • Expect to be looked at funny when you have and your "friends" still #haveNot
  • Your willingness to work hard will pay off, but don't think you know it all
  • Stay ahead of the game and learn how someone else did it...
    • Recreating the wheel is a no-no #handSlap