Don't worry if that last sentence has you confused.
And without further adieu we'll transition into a topic that has me confused: God and the Blessing of America.
"All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise, not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from the downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation."
John Adams
Deuteronomy 8:9-14 (NLT)
9 It is a land where food is plentiful and nothing is lacking. It is a land where iron is as common as stone, and copper is abundant in the hills. 10 When you have eaten your fill, be sure to praise the LORD your God for the good land he has given you.
11 “But that is the time to be careful! Beware that in your plenty you do not forget the LORD your God and disobey his commands, regulations, and decrees that I am giving you today. 12 For when you have become full and prosperous and have built fine homes to live in, 13 and when your flocks and herds have become very large and your silver and gold have multiplied along with everything else, be careful! 14 Do not become proud at that time and forget the LORD your God, who rescued you from slavery in the land of Egypt.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers...
Exclaimer: As a government worker people might think it’d be wrong to have any view outside of a “smiley face” for the United States. This is not the case, and I checked the rules…it's okay to disagree with policies as long as I don’t get extreme with my reactions. If you know me, you know I mean business. Hopefully my past/future/current employers won’t think my productivity will drop based on this assessment. In addition no one outside of the author is "responsible" for the view points presented here, unless of course it truly is inspired by the Holy Spirit, which in that case....good luck trying to take "him" to court.
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) held a week-long celebration in remembrance of the life, legacy, and leadership of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Personally I like to refer to him using his given name (i.e. Michael), which is interesting since there's an Archangel named Michael who's a warrior...I digress.
I attended several events on last week and indeed they were enjoyable and helped me to get a better grasp on how I might contribute to society. In particular there was a luncheon held with some older members of our communities. Being involved in several sessions earlier in the week I had realized that some of our "loved ones" who have witnessed the struggle still suffer from those experiences. Whether that's a loss of hope, lack of hope, etc. I also came to understand that aging doesn't slow down one's ability to remain true to themselves.
I was in a conversation with two older women and a student from Chile. He held an adamant stance of contempt for America. I'm not all too familiar with US policies/interactions with South America, but rarely did he have anything good to say; admitting he came to CMU in hopes of changing that. One of the ladies in attendance immediately took defense of "our country" as if to say, "I can say what I want about it but you can't!" For me I didn't defend so much as I did to explain and promote open thinking; however, he was dwelling on, "Do you get my point?!" versus a yes-and approach of "I hear what you're saying and see that you understand my position as well."
Side Note: We really have to do a better job of learning how to communicate and listen to each other (i.e. Hearing what they're not saying as well as what they're saying).
Let's take a look at Scripture. Here I'm providing a framework for thinking differently about "our" issues as a country. I am not stating that "this. is. gospel."; however, more or less extremely relevant. This is about thought provocation #rethinkAmerica.

In the book of Deuteronomy (e.g. Chapters 26-30) as well as many other Old Testament books of the Bible, you'll notice the situations that Israel (i.e. God's chosen people) finds themselves in seem to parallel current and past conditions in America; more often than not. There are also many verses which talk about what happens when people steward their resources the wrong way. In instances like these, your "wealth" would go to the foreigner (e.g. China's holding of US Debt). Specifically I'd like to suggest that "America's disobedience" has caused us to have the issues which we have and face the problems that we face.
Remember the purpose of this blog
- I'm confused
- Engage our current culture in a relevant way
- Combine cultural aspects with God's Scriptures & life experiences
- Fully engage and immerse ourselves in what TRUTH really is
For further insight:
This is a listing of Scripture verses and possible ideals that can be tied to them in order to provide a better framework; in most cases based off of the New Living Translation/New Revised Standard Version(NLT/NRSV). It will take initiative on your part to further grasp what I'm saying (or not saying) #communication.
Deuteronomy 26
1- #manifestDestiny (i.e. Possess it and settle in it)
3- #declarationOfIndependence (i.e. Creator) #pledgeOfAllegiance (i.e. Under God)*
9- #landOfOpportunity (What person isn't trying to come to the US from another country?)
16-18: #GodsPeople(?)
19- #worldLeadership (i.e. An example; good, bad and indifferent/ugly)
Deuteronomy 27
15- #idolatry (e.g. Busyness, affluence, notoriety)
16- #selfExplanatory
19- #immigrationReform
22-23: #incestualRelations #familialRape
25- #politicalGenocide(?) #war
26- #disobedience
Deuteronomy 28
13- #established #obedience
32- #sexTrafficking
37- #antiAmericanismAbroad
58-59: #generational_Indebtedness
Deuteronomy 30
Entire Chapter-#redemption
Interesting Side Note: Much of what's covered in these chapters could be a "truer" justification for the slave trade involving Africa. Possibly any "people" who disobey God will experience these circumstances #rapeOfAfrica #diaspora
What does this mean for me? #theReader
Only you can determine that for yourself. I know this is a lot to digest #fireHose. I welcome comments, criticisms, suggestions, and clarifications from those more knowledgeable than I.
This song is one that we would sing at church a lot. It speaks of being "blessed in the city and in the field".
The issue here is that the only way to get to this point of blessing is to obey (Deut. 28:13). In other words, before you begin to chant the chorus you need to make sure you're living out the verses....specifically "live out this verse" (i.e. Vivir este versículo). The verses referenced here are the ones in Scripture which reflect the verses in song. Be in a way that reflects the verses because everyone on the outside sees the chorus.
Has God blessed America? Can God Bless America? Will God Bless America?!** Sure....
God (sees that you are)
Side Note: O.I.G.O. is based off of the Spanish verb for hear (i.e. Oye). We're called to do more than hear, and listen, but to DO!
2 Chronicles 7:14 (NLT) ***Amen.
14 Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.
*It seems the words "under God" were added during a time of fear with the growth of communism, as well as it was added due to a lobbying effort by a group of Roman Catholics.
**We have an election coming up in November of this year. If you want things to go as they should...I'd highly recommend obedience #1Way.
***I think it's kewl that 2 * 7 = 14...#coincidink? That's like getting twice as much as you had before b\c you messed up, lost it, and God brought restoration (and then some).